“Atomic communitarianism” refers to a system of government in which the state is divided into semiautonomous zones, organized on the basis of political philosophy. For example, an atomic communitarian civilization might be composed of a libertarian community with a fully deregulated economy and low taxes, a community that is functionally a Scandinavian-style social democracy, an anarcho-primitivist community where people live in a state of nature with no laws, and more. Each community contributes financially to a central government and military force, whose only duties are to prevent communities from causing harm to each other, ensuring freedom to move from one community to another, and preventing unwanted ideological contamination (e.g., keeping televisions and cell phones out of the anarcho-primitivist community, or keeping explicit media out of the fundamentalist Christian community). The central government would allow each community to submit an information package on its values, which would be distributed to every 18-year old.