Welcome to McGill IV 2024!
Map of McGill Buildings
Visitor's Guide
Friday, March 1
3:00 PM Registration opens
4:30 PM Dinner and Briefings
5:00 PM Registration closes
5:30 PM Round 1
7:45 PM Round 2
Saturday, March 2
9:15 AM-9:45 AM Check-in
10:00 AM Round 3
12:00 PM: Lunch
1:00 PM Round 4
3:00 PM Snack time (snacks provided)
3:15 PM Round 5 (closed)
5:45 PM Break Announcement in GA
6:15 PM Participants free to attend Nuit Blanche!
Sunday, March 3
8:40 AM Check-in opens (breakfast provided)
9:05 AM: Check-in closes
9:30 AM Quarterfinals
12:00 PM Lunch
12:45 PM Semifinals and Novice Finals
3:00 PM Finals
5:00 PM Awards